Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Beneath the falling Christmas sky
Each perfect flake drifts slowly by
Like diamond drops from heaven sent
In celebration of Christ's advent
Near Bethlehem the angels spoke
Dreams fled, the shepherds quickly woke
And light filled men with peace and hope


Between Man and Maker a bond is formed
Emmanuel, the God-man born
"And the government will be
Upon his shoulders"
The Lord of the universe
In a lowly cattle stall
"For unto us a child is born
Unto us a Son is given"
Lord of lords, a babe so small

Delight to know this Savior's plan
Rejoice in Christmas once again
A birth-life-death, then victory
God's love story of eternity
On Calvary he paid our price
Noel, we sing, with Easter's eyes

10 points available. 

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