Sunday, October 4, 2009

First Job

On Friday I did a lot of signing of official things.  We signed our lease.  In the morning I went to  finally signed a contract with the Leona Group, a network of 14 charter schools in Detroit.  I'm now officially a substitute teacher.

I got a call during church today from an unknown 313 number.  When I listened to my messages after church it was my new boss at Hope of Detroit (the Leona Group school that I was hired at).  When I called him back, he asked me to come in every day this week to sub in the same classroom.  So, I'll be up at 5:45 tomorrow morning in time for some Bible time, breakfast, and a 40ish minute bike commute to work.  Pray against rain!  I feel like I have no idea what I'm getting myself into.  Middle school social studies.  Fortunately, the teacher I'm filling in for will be there to meet me tomorrow morning.

God is so good!


Unknown said...

He sure is good. I will be praying for you. I will be anxious to hear about it too!

Macro Guy said...

Congrats and praise God. Don't let the middle schoolers eat you alive.