This morning I had the privilege going back to my high school to speak at their Christmas chapel. It's a private k-12 Christian school -- about 120 in high school.
I was given no restrictions on topic, other than the fact that it was a Christmas chapel. I was also told that since I had a unique impact on the school my perspective was valued. Apparently I'm some kind of legend. I actually had an administrator tell me that. It seems pretty crazy to me. I don't feel legendary. What impact did I really leave in high school, except on the lives of individual people? And even the people who were freshmen when I was a senior are gone.
That aside, I decided to talk about the incarnation and a possible response to it. My goal was to talk about "incarnational ministry." It's the whole 'becoming a new monastic,' intentional community thing. Two evenings ago I spent over an hour on g-chat asking people what they thought about the incarnation, at no time talking with less than two people. It was amazing. It's really cool how God teaches us. Everyone I asked who mentioned any scripture at all mentioned John 1, which I ended up using. I was basically a compiler of the thoughts of several of my friends and C.S. Lewis. I even got some insight into how to present myself to high school students. I was concerned about connecting, because high school was a while ago. I was a bit afraid that I was going to be too academic or something. Fortunately I was was dissuaded from using a Shakespeare/Hamlet analogy, and instead chose Tolkien/Frodo. Thanks to all of you who helped.
You'll have to wait till another post for the content of my talk. This is long enough already.
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